SC-Multimedia does its best to produce high-quality files for your Ketron Event in as many variations as possible.
Once downloaded, installed and tried, let us know what your findings are! Your tips for improvements are also very welcome.
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Brissez Francis
Bonjour je viens d'acheté un pack guitar organ ballad comment faire l'installation svp je ne parle que le Français ,pouvez m'expliqué bien en Français merci Francis
Bonjour je viens d'acheté un pack guitar organ ballad comment faire l'installation svp je ne parle que le Français ,pouvez m'expliqué bien en Français merci Francis… Collapse
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Bens files are better than the original styles in the Ketron. He uses real instruments to great effect. Also his support is superb and extremely helpful. If you want more realistic sounds then go to the website. The styles are extremely good value!!
Hi Ben
I have purchased a number of both real chords and combinations packs for the Ketron Event from SC Multimedia and I have to say the quality is superb I also want to say a special thanks to Ben Gotink for creating a custom made pedal steel real chord to suit my own quickstep kst file It's just brilliant So i would have to say to anyone who owns a Ketron Event to take the time to take the time to browse the on line shop on SC Multimedia You certainly will not be disappointed There is a fantastic range of real chords real drums live bass and combination packs and multil layered instrument files to choose from and if you cannot find what you want just contact Ben and he will create a custom made file for you I certainly found Ben to be very helpful very easy to deal with He is offering fantastic ranges of products at really very affordable prices for your Ketron Event SC Multimedia is your one stop shop for all your Ketron Event software requirements SC Multimedia is simply the best
I have purchased a number of both real chords and combinations packs for the Ketron Event from SC Multimedia and I have to say the quality is superb I also want to say a special thanks to Ben Gotink for creating a custom made pedal steel real chord to suit my own quickstep kst file It's just brilliant So i would have to say to anyone who owns a Ketron Event to take the time to take the time to browse the on line shop on SC Multimedia You certainly will not be disappointed There is a fantastic range of real chords real drums live bass and combination packs and multil layered instrument files to choose from and if you cannot find what you want just contact Ben and he will create a custom made file for you I certainly found Ben to be very helpful very easy to deal with He is offering fantastic ranges of products at really very affordable prices for your Ketron Event SC Multimedia is your one stop shop for all your Ketron Event software requirements SC Multimedia is simply the best