Import new instrument into user voice for Ketron Event. 61. 76 Example: Wersi Organ.ms3 in folder (Wersi organ)
Connect your Event to your PC via USB (HOT in Event, right side).
Press MEDIA (event).. Then turn yellow PC CONNECT.
The Event (USBACK) is connected to your PC.. Ok.!
In the list choose INTRUMENT and open this folder.
Copy and paste the folder.. Wersi Organ.ms3.. after the TMP folder (yellow)
Now disconnect by pressing .. Pc Connect and OK in Event..
In Event, press MENU (media side button) then Audio Sampler and select SAMPLER.
Press UTILS ..bottom right in blue…
Press IMPORT and press WERSI ORGAN
Wait for WERSI ORGAN (chosen example) to be imported, a bar is displayed at the top of your screen. This may take a few minutes and, according to the VOICE, it may work twice!! Please wait until the bar is fixed and filled
Press SAVE and then ENTER
When you are sure there is no more movement, press SAVE (button) and press ENTER (button)
Once again, a bar appears at the top of your LCD screen. When all activity is completed, the VOICE has been correctly installed.