From now on, SC-Multmedia has its focus on making software for the Ketron Event Arranger. We offer this software, Samples and RealChords at very competitive prices.
In addition, we offer personal support to customers. We want to distinguish ourselves by providing good service, as you may expect from us.
With the intention of uploading a new set of files every week, we recommend you to stay tuned and check this shop regularly.As we aim to aid new RealChord loops to the shop every week. Visit your shop and stay up-to-date!
Any questions or need some help? Just let us know!
Payments can be done via PAYPAL, Ideal, Credit Card. After paying, you instantly receive a download link to get started!
D’ora in poi, SC-Multmedia si concentra sulla produzione di software per il Ketron Event Arranger. Offriamo questo software, Samples e RealChords a prezzi molto competitivi.
Inoltre, offriamo assistenza personale ai clienti. Vogliamo distinguerci fornendo un buon servizio.
Con l’intenzione di caricare una nuova serie di RealChords e User Samples ogni settimana, vi raccomandiamo di rimanere aggiornati e di controllare regolarmente questo negozio, in quanto ci proponiamo di fornire nuovi Samples e Chords. Visitate il negozio e rimanete al corrente!
Avete domande o bisogno di aiuto? Fateci sapere!
I pagamenti possono essere effettuati tramite PAYPAL, Ideal, o carta di credito. Dopo aver effettuato il pagamento, riceverai immediatamente un link caricare le cosec he avete ordinate.
Clicca qui per iniziare lo shopping!
Ab Heute konzentriert sich SC-Multmedia auf die Herstellung von Software für den Ketron Event Arranger. Wir bieten diese Software, Samples und RealChords zu sehr günstigen Preisen an.
Darüber hinaus bieten wir unseren Kunden persönlichen Support. Wir wollen uns durch guten Service auszeichnen, so wie Sie es von uns erwarten dürfen.
Wir versuchen jede Woche eine neue Reihe von Samples und RealChords hochzuladen, und empfehlen Ihnen unseren Shop regelmäßig zu besuchen, damit auch Sie up-to-date bleiben!
Haben Sie Fragen oder brauchen Sie Hilfe? Wir helfen Ihnen gerne.
Sie können zahlen via PAYPAL, Ideal, oder Kreditkarte. Nach der Zahlung erhalten ist.
Hier klicken um mit Shopping anzufangen!
A partir de novembre SC-Multmedia se concentre sur la création de Software pour le Ketron Event Arranger. Nous proposons des nouveaux User Samples et User RealChords à des prix très compétitifs.
En outre, nous offrons une assistance personnelle à nos clients. Nous voulons nous distinguer en fournissant un bon service, comme vous pouvez l’attendre de nous.
Avec l’intention de télécharger des nouveaux Samples et Chords chaque semaine, nous vous recommandons de consulter cette boutique régulièrement pour rester au courant!
Vous avez des questions ou besoin d’aide ? N’hésitez pas à nous le faire savoir!
Les paiements peuvent être effectués via PAYPAL, Ideal, ou Carte de Crédit. Après avoir payé, vous recevrez instantanément un lien de téléchargement pour tout faire entrer.

With the EVENT, Ketron introduces a cutting-edge Arranger keyboard that not only offers a comprehensive range of sounds but also top entertainer features. Created for solo entertainers, bands, performers, solo artists and songwriters, the keyboard is equipped with cutting-edge features that make making music and working on the instrument a true pleasure. The instrument has a very pleasantly playable, semi-weighted 76-key keyboard that produces aftertouch and velocity response. The 216-note polyphony is distributed over all parts and is sufficiently high even in denser arrangements so that no note breaks off prematurely.
Beekpad 3
6961 DW Eerbeek
Phone: +31 6 2249 6522
e-Mail: info@sc-multimedia.nl